jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

Syd Barrett.

He is Syd Barrett (:
Hi! Today I want to speak about a famous person that I would like to meet. I like so much the music and for this reason I'd like to meet with much persons of the bands that I like, but today I want to tell you only about two persons in specially. The first is the founder of the most important band, (for me) Pink Floyd because is the first band of this style that I like,and the person that I'd like to meet is Syd Barrett, he was the composer of the first album of the band "The Piper at the Gates of Dawn" in 1967, but for his addiction at the psychedelic drugs three years after he needed to leave the band, after this he made a solo career, and for me the two albums that he composed was amazing! For this reason I want to meet with he, and can to speak about how he wrote the letters of the songs and what interpretation have this songs for he, because these are very subjective. Barrett always going to the master for me, he had a amazing creative mind which unfortunately wasted because of drugs.
The other persons that I'd want to meet is Ronnie James Dio, in other post I spoke about Dio, for this reason today I only tell that I want to meet with he
because when I went to see his show in the 2009 I can to felt that he was very good personand in the videos that I watching I feel that he was very nice with his fans. I would like him to sign the discs that I have and can to listening music with a beer with Dio!!

lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

A Holiday.

Hello!! Today I want to tell you about a holidays with my father, I think that this trip is one of the best for me. We travelled to Peru, more specifically to Lima, the capital, in september of 2011.
For me this trip was so important because was the first one that I flew by plane, my dad came to Lima a few days before and I flew alone, I had turned 18 earlier this month and for this reason I could travel alone by plane to another country.
On this trip I was alone with my father and we were able to share so much together! Stayed for a week in Lima, we got to know many parts of the capital city of Peru, also like my dad listens to the same music that I, we could travel many places they sold records, magazines and other things about metal music. Also some night we went out with some friends of my dad Peruvians, as my dad is young and wears long hair sometimes believed we were boyfriends.
Enjoy much this trip because I shared many wonderful experiences with my dad! My dad is my friend, I hope we can do more trips like this :)