viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

My plane for the summer

Hello teacher! Today I'm goingt to tell you about my plans for this summer. The really is that I have all the plans readys, on January 29 my family already have plane tickets purchased to Arica, but I have plane ticket on 10 February and we come back on 17 February, I gong to Arica with my mom, my mom's husband, my grandmom and my Little brothers. With my family going to Arica because my mom's husband had his family that live in this country and we going to visit.

I'll go later because 1 on February I going to Tongoy with my father, my Little brothers and my boyfriend :) after I get to the beach, I want to going to backpacking at the south of Chile with my friends and my boyfriend.

For January my plane is to paint a big picture, because for the university I spend a lot time in thing for the university and I have not free time for paint. I only need buy a trestle because all the other thing I have in my house :) I've even seen the picture I want to do because I want that this picture be a gift for my mom. I hope that all my plane come of perfect.

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

A Game I Played As A Child

Hello!! Today I'm going to speak about a game I played as a child, when I was a child the technology not yet took possession of the lives of people and with my friend played in the street all days, we played in september at elevate "volantin", in the summer at ride in bicycle and in other occassions we played baseball, but in a very informal way jajaja because we played in a plaza that is on near of my house, this plaza had grass and we going to with a bat and with balls, we played beisball in the day and in the night we played at the "escondida" or another thing that we liked, all my friends were men, it was almost the only woman I was nearly the only woman jaja.

I enyojed it because despite of that I the only woman, with my friends played all day in the Street at differents thing, I loved to spend all day on the street, when I was 8 years old until 11 because because as was also the smallest, after these children grew up and not hung out to play in the street. And in this momento I knew other persons that until this day they are my friends :)

When I was 9 years old my parenst bought me a Super Nintendo and I enjoyed played "donkey Kong" and "Super Mario Bross", these are the best games!! I like a lot my childhood but I never played beisball again  :(