viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

First Post!

Hello! Today I want to tell you about the concert that for me this years are important and interesting.
Well this years so much band is coming for Chile, I thing that they need won money travelling because in this time that all persons can assume the dics for internet, for this reason the store of the music not is profitable.

This years I can to going to so much concert, the last that I be present is Possessed, this show was so amazing, this band isn't much famous but is so good!
Other concert of this years was The Metal Fest, in this played mucho bands but one that more impressed me was Twister Sister, the show was really amazing I never take time for listen them but after the concert I listening so much, specially the dick Stay Hungry, my favourite song of this álbum is The Price, when they play this song was the best momento for me of they show.

Other bands that this years coming for Chile is Iron Maiden with Slayer and Black Sabbath with Megadeth. I have my ticket for the two shows! In spite of that I saw three of this bands, I want to going to because this can the last time that they play in Chile.

This video is the song The Price, I hope that like you because I love it(:

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi!
    I guess yo like a lot the heavy metal and rock
    Hail heavy Metal!!! JAJA

  2. hello my little friend, you love the concerts , especially metal jaja
