lunes, 22 de julio de 2013

About the blog.

Hello! Today I going to tell you about my experience on this semester writing in this blog, because we will end this class. The fisrt that I want to tell you is that I liked much wrote in the blog, because the topics about we wrote was very funy and was not difficult for me write it because in almost all the thing that we wrote in the blog was interesting.

My favourite post was about the famous person that I would like to meet  and speak about my favourite concert, because for me the music is so important  and I like much speak about it. Other post that I enjoyed was the TV programme that I enjoyed when was a child, because this TV show was for me a very nice souvenir, it make me remember moment so beautiful that I lived when I was a Little girl :)
My least favourite post was the second, about the the technology, because I'm not a fanatic of technology and I for me was was a bit difficult to decide about that write.
The blog which I enjoyed more was by Nico, because alwys I laughed with the thing that he wrote and for me was so funny wrote in his blog. The blog most attractive for me was by Héctor because I never can read much the letters of his blog jajaja.
I think that this form for learn the english is so good because we can to practice this language in a so funny that make us wrote about thing that are interesting for us.

  I enjoyed this experience and I hope that you enjoyed read my blog too, see you next semester :)

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello ima, I mentioned you in my post, thanks for mention me also jajaja

  2. hey!! my blog was really easy to read, maybe the letters was a Little bit small....
