viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

February 27th day

Hello! Today I'm going to tell you about my experience in the February 27th day. This day in my house I stayed alone with my mother because my grandmother with my little brother went to the beach and my mom's husband was in the hospital.

This is the picture that I take of my friend only second before the earthquake
This day I stayed in my house with two friend, we saw the "Festival de Viña" and drunk melón with wine jajaja. My best friend was going to be sleeping in my house, at the specific moment that was the earthquake we were alone dunk melón with wine, first in my house cut off the light and my friend scream of fear jajaja and just in this momento I take a picture because she cover her face with her hand jajaja. Only a few second after begin the earthquake and I went to pick up at my mom at the bethroom. And the three together in the door expect to end, when everything stayed calm with my mom beging to call at my grandmom and my friend's family came to pick up, she live like a 5 minutes of my house jajaja, we estayed in calm but her brother was so nervous!

After a minutes arrived the uncle of my brother with his boyfriend and they went at the hospital at saw his brother ( the father of my brother ), with my mom can't spoke with my grand and my mother was so worried because we stayed listen in the radio that the earthquake was so big. After arrived other friend, for wonder me if I all in my house was well and fortunately in my house only broke a little decorations, structurally my house was in perfect conditions because the structure is so old but the thick of the wall is so strong.

After I can to spoke with my father and fortunately all my family was well, the next day my mom went puck up for my brother and my grandmom at the beach (:

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

My pets!

She is Wanda when was more young! jaja
Hello!! Today I'm going to tell you about my pets! In my house we have two dogs, the name of my dog is Wanda and is the mom of my other dog, Chubaca jaja. Wanda is a boxer
breed dog and has been with us for about 6 or 7 years now. With my family we gave this pet to my grandmother for her birthday and now all love Wanda! When she arrived at our house she like a 2 month old(:

She's so beautiful dog and keep at my little brothers. I think that Wanda think that she is a human girl jajaja. She was a mother in two occasions, the first one was when born my other dog Chubaca but he did not look anything like a Wanda because he has long hair jaja.

The other occasion she had 7 puppies bóxer and with my family don't knew that make with all this little dogs! My cousin was left with two and about a month ago behind her dog had babies too.

He is Chubaca, when he was a baby.
With my family we care for Wanda as a woman when she had her babies and we love much at our pets(:

These little puppies are the children of Wanda(:



jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

A special meal

Hello!! Today I'm going to tell toy about one of my memories family, it was when my father received his tittle of doctoral degree in history in the "Casa Central" of the Universidad de Chile. For my this was a important moment because I felt so proud of my father. After the conmemoration we going to ate Italian food at the "Piccola Italia", with my father and his wife, because only can to going to two persons at the conmemoration. I think that this moment I will remember for all my life, my dad has always been an example for me.

This moment for my father was so important, because all the efforts in the university are rewarded. For me my father is so important in my life, for this reason I want to share with he all the important moments in our lives(:

This celebration was a wednesday, 2007 year. And the weekend of this week we celebrate with our family in the my grandmom house. With my family always unite in the house of my grandmother and I enjoyed so much its moment, because I like spend time with my family all the weekend(:

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2013


In this photo I am with my brother, when was  low tide in the sea(:
Hello!! Today I going to tell you about when I went to Quellon, is the most southerly commune of Chiloe. I went int he holiday of 2012 with my family, we went to Quellon because we have a friends that live in Quellon. They live in front of arm of the sea, the view from their housa was so beautiful, the place was so quiet.
I remember that when was low tide we can get seafood of the sand jaja and when the tide began to rise we can fish, for my brother was so funny!
The time that we stayed in this house we can to ate tipical food, for example, barbecue at the mast, "curanto" and other tipical food that was so delicious  (:
I love the south of Chile, but I think that I could not live there forever because is very quiet and boring for stay in this place all your life jaja or maybe I am used to live in Santiago, in this city the life is much different that in the south.
I hope come back at Quellon because is a wonderful place and the persons that live in this place is wonderful too!!