viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

My pets!

She is Wanda when was more young! jaja
Hello!! Today I'm going to tell you about my pets! In my house we have two dogs, the name of my dog is Wanda and is the mom of my other dog, Chubaca jaja. Wanda is a boxer
breed dog and has been with us for about 6 or 7 years now. With my family we gave this pet to my grandmother for her birthday and now all love Wanda! When she arrived at our house she like a 2 month old(:

She's so beautiful dog and keep at my little brothers. I think that Wanda think that she is a human girl jajaja. She was a mother in two occasions, the first one was when born my other dog Chubaca but he did not look anything like a Wanda because he has long hair jaja.

The other occasion she had 7 puppies bóxer and with my family don't knew that make with all this little dogs! My cousin was left with two and about a month ago behind her dog had babies too.

He is Chubaca, when he was a baby.
With my family we care for Wanda as a woman when she had her babies and we love much at our pets(:

These little puppies are the children of Wanda(:



4 comentarios:

  1. Ima
    wanda and her puppies are so cute!!! and of course Chubaca too
    See you

  2. awwww, I love wanda and Chubaca, are the most loving :3

  3. Wanda ad chubaca are really cool and cute!
    see you!

  4. Hello Ima !!
    Your dog is very beautiful ! I love Wanda, is very tender <3
