viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

A Walk You Would Like to Do Again

Hello!! Today I'm going to tell you about a walk that I would like to do again, is about when I went to "Parque Nacional Chiloé" more specifically in the field of Cucao. It is located in two sectors of the Cordillera de la Costa on the Big Island of Chiloe, in Ancud commune.
I went at this side with my family in the summer of 2012, with my brother, my grandmom, my mom and her husband.

I enjoyed this walk because all in the "Sendero Playa Cucao" is green and is surrounded by nature, we walked for a path and we arrived at the beach. In this path we can found a very big tree and a beautiful landscape. The thing that I did not like is that in this place had many insects!! I think that this is a problem for me because I hate a lot all the insects!!

The most interesting is that despite being more careful National Park, the route you can perform them without a guide and you can walk for all side of the park.

I can also enjoy this hike because I was with my family, I surprised me because my grandmother was able to walk several kilometers, despite her years! jaja She is a very strong woman.
The truth is that I'd like to make any other trip with my family be cause they are the best!

In these pictures I stayed with my mom the day we went to Cucao :)

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