viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

My future

Hello! Today I'm going to tell you about my future. The really is that for me is so hard talk about this topic because I never think much about how I live when I will graduate of the university jajaj.

Well ! All that I going to tell in this blog is like I hope live in my future, like I think that my life would be perfect in this momento, because maybe in one more year I think other thing about my future.

In 10 years more I hope that I goint to be living alone, not in the house of my mother but I want to be living in the same neighborhood, in the Villa Portales becauce that's where I've grown and I've always imagined living with my children.

I hope to be studying a masters and working. I want share my life with a partner and with a children, but before I had children I want to travel for different countries, because have a son I think that is a very important responsability and for this  reason only after to finish my career in the university and enjoyed my life alone I want have a son jaja.

In more years I like to have in my house a workshop for painting quiet, a side in my house where I can stay alone and paint a picture, because this is a think that like much and now in my house I can't paint quiet because I have not a room with space for keep all my thing for paint.

I hope can achieve all this thing someday(:

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi
    Is weird thing in the future for me too.
    You will keep being "Metaera" in the future?

  2. Hi my friend, your story is very utopic :s jajaja is a very good story and is fantastic that do not forget to your roots :)
    see you
